Prof Emeritus
Scientific Coordinator
Georges Hadziioannou is Chemistry Professor at the University of Bordeaux since 2009. His career is characterized by a strong commitment to fundamental research at different universities and research institutes worldwide and an important industrial tenure at IBM Almaden Research Laboratory (San Jose, California).
He has pioneered work on nanostructured polymers materials with innovations in flexible and printable organic electronic materials as well as energy and information technologies. His research area covers semi-conducting polymers, nanostructured polymer materials, polymer materials for the storage and transfer of information, organic electronics and systems thereof.
Throughout his career, he has been deeply involved in teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels and has guided a substantial number of young scientists. In addition to education and research, Prof. Hadziioannou had numerous and important management positions and he participated in various administrative committees along his entire career. Learn more about Prof. Hadziioannou
Facts and figures :
- Holder of the Industrial Chair ANR/Arkema/Isorg/Surys/Valeo SMILE “Smart Polymer Ferrotronics Materials for Environmental Monitoring and Energy Conversion”
- Member of the ARKEMA Corporate Scientific Board
- Senior Member of the IUF, Chair of “Physical chemistry of Polymers”
- >447 publications (H = 65) in internationally peer-reviewed journals
- 45 patents
- Invited and keynote speaker at many conferences (167 since 1994)
- 56 PhD supervised
- More than 70 post-docs and invited professors hosted in his laboratory
- Co-founder of 2 start-ups: “Polymer Service Center” now “PolyVation”and “Papyron”
- Past and present member of many scientific advisory boards of many institutions and member of the editorial boards: ChemPhysChem from its creation until 2004, Advanced Materials, Macromolecules and ACS Macro Letters