All inkjet-printed piezoelectric electronic devices: energy generators, sensors and actuators

Inkjet printing is considered to be a key technology in the field of flexible electronics due to its capability to deposit different types of materials in a controlled and defined manner. However, inkjet printing of functional materials such as the fluorinated piezoelectric copolymer P(VDF–TrFE) still remains a challenge. In this regard, a piezoelectric ink was formulated in a narrow viscosity range compatible with the specific print head used in this work. Characterization of the dielectric, ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties along with the morphology and crystallinity of the film showed excellent agreement with traditional solution processed thin films. Consequently, inkjet printed P(VDF–TrFE) layers were subsequently integrated as a functional layer into entirely inkjet printed flexible electronics devices such as energy harvesters, sensors and actuators contributing to the development of flexible electronic applications.
Thuau, D; Kallitsis, K; Domingues Dos Santos, F.; Hadziioannou G.
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C, Volume: 5, Issue: 38, pp 9963-9966 (2017)