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Université de Bordeaux
ELORPrintTecEquipment of Excellence
Cluster of excellence

UV-vis Spectrometer - Shimadzu UV2600Facility for Printed Organic Electronics

This Shimadzu spectrometer can measure the absorption, transmission and reflection spectra of liquids and thin films. double beam measurement method wavelength range: 180 <-> 900 nm integration sphere available for reflectance measurements

Cluster 4: Electrical, Optical and Spectroscopic CharacterizationTuesday 12 July 2016 by skhiev@enscbp.fr. Last update Thursday 21 July 2016
Probestation - CASCADE EPS 150Facility for Printed Organic Electronics

This Cascade probestation is installed in a glovebox and is connected to a B1500 semiconductor analyzer. This setup allows you to characterize a large range of electronic components like capacitors, transistors, NAND gates and many more. 150 mm chuck stage 4 micropositioners microscope with 15x - 100x magnification and LED illumination camera with screen measurements down to femtoamp current...

Cluster 4: Electrical, Optical and Spectroscopic CharacterizationTuesday 28 June 2016 by SMAAL Willem. Last update Thursday 21 July 2016
Quantum Efficiency - Newport IQE200Facility for Printed Organic Electronics

This Newport instrument can measure the internal and external quantum efficiency of photovoltaic devices. Spot size: 1 x 2.5 mm² Spectrum range: 360 -1100 nm Spectral resolution: 10nm

Cluster 4: Electrical, Optical and Spectroscopic CharacterizationTuesday 28 June 2016 by SMAAL Willem. Last update Thursday 21 July 2016
Absolute PL quantum yield spectrometer - HAMAMATSU Quantaurus-QY Facility for Printed Organic Electronics

This Hamatsu instrument is designed to measure the quantum yield of photoluminescent materials in the form of powder, thin film or in solution. This instrument is specifically suitable to characterize potential materials for LED applications. measure of the photoluminescence (PL) spectrum measure of the PL yield measure of the chromatic coordinates wavelength range: 300 to 950 nm

Cluster 4: Electrical, Optical and Spectroscopic CharacterizationTuesday 12 July 2016 by skhiev@enscbp.fr. Last update Thursday 21 July 2016
Scanning Electron Microscope - Jeol 7800-E PrimeFacility for Printed Organic Electronics

This Jeol SEM is designed for surface topology studies in high resolution. A state-of-the-art technology allows to maintain a high resolution, even at low acceleration voltages in order to minimize charging effects and electron beam damage of the sample. Ultra-low acceleration imaging, down to 10V Resolution down to 1nm 5 detectors: LED: secondary electron detector SRBED: backscatter electron...

Cluster 4: Electrical, Optical and Spectroscopic CharacterizationTuesday 28 June 2016 by SMAAL Willem. Last update Thursday 21 July 2016
AFM / STM - SCIENTAOMICRON VT AFM XA 50/500Facility for Printed Organic Electronics

This Omicron system has AFM as well as STM capabilities integrated in an ultra-high vacuum chamber. AFM : Z - resolution: < 0.01 nm scan range (xyz) : 10 ?m × 10 ?m × 1.5 ?m. STM : tunnelling current: < 1pA - 330 nA scan range (xyz) : 12 ?m × 12 ?m × 1.5 ?m Variable temperature operation in microscope stage : from 80 to 500K.

Cluster 3: Ultra High Vacuum systems for thin film deposition, characterization and batch fabricationTuesday 12 July 2016 by skhiev@enscbp.fr. Last update Thursday 21 July 2016